Monday, November 15, 2010


I'm doing PiBoIdMo this month, are you? It's a challenge, hosted by children's author, Tara Lazar, to come up with an idea for a children's Picture Book, every day for the month of November. Here we are at the half way point and I gotta say, it's getting harder! I'm doing OK, though, and I think I'll make it. Some of my ideas are just a title, like "Oops!", others are a little more thought out and have a basic idea and characters with names. A few even have all of that and an ending! It's been fun and challenging. The endings are the most challenging for me - the payoff, it's gotta be good to make it worth the read, ya know? Only 15 more to about a bear, who has to come up with 30 ideas in 30 days, hee-hee.


Anonymous said...

Cute, Nina! Later today (or tomorrow) I should be posting 30+ ideas from 30+ kids.

Tamara Henderson said...

Great challenge! I would love to sit down and brainstorm a few children's books.

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

Glad you are participating! Hope you get some great ideas cooking!

Cassandra said...

wow sounds like a great challenge!! good luck!!