Wednesday, September 19, 2007

funny cat

Our cat Scout isn't a very affectionate cat. He likes to be with a distance, but hates being held and won't sit in our laps. To make up for his lack of affection, he entertains us with his crazy antics. I thought I'd share a few photos of him for all you cat lovers out there. (Sorry to bore you if you are a DOG person!) I personally LOVE cats and have always had them as pets, since I was a little girl. The 1st two cats I can remeber having, looked a lot like Scout. They were brothers. We had just seen the play, The King and I, and wanted to name the cats after the play. We decided on King for one of them, but thought 'I' wouldn't be a good name, so the other cat became Tiny, because he was smaller. I'm sure it made lots of sense at the time! Now, I'm not so sure.


Anonymous said...

fnny cats