I just got back from a week in FL with my daughter, where we went to visit my brother and his wife and of course, go to Disney World! The trip started out pretty rocky (when I got really sick!) on the 2nd plane flight of our journey across country. We stopped to change planes in Detroit, where it was 11 degrees and snowy. They de-iced the plane while we sat in it on the tarmac. The fumes where extremely toxic and soon after that I begin to feel very sick to my stomach. We arrived in FL and I was sick for almost 3 days. It may have been a coincidence and I just had a stomach virus, but whatever the reason, I'm still not 100% well. The good news is I lost weight! However, I wouldn't recommend this type of weight loss program to anyone! Yuck!
After I recovered enough to get out and do some things, we had a good time. Disney World was amazing, even though I didn't go on any of the roller coaster type rides. My daughter went with my brother and they had a blast! We also enjoyed going to the beach, playing tennis and of course, every young girls passion - shopping!
We are glad to be home again, although 75 and sunny is a lot nicer than 45 and rainy. I would have loved to bring home some sunshine with those Mickey Mouse ears!