Tuesday, May 08, 2007

IF - Neighbor

This week's theme for Illustration Friday is Neighbor and here's my entry. I did this in Photoshop and probably spent too much time on it, when I should have been doing other things, but I learned a lot along the way, so it was worth the time. I had a couple of those 'a ha!' moments when you figure something out, which are quite fun to have! I'm pretty happy with the way this turned out. I live in a neighborhood where I know a lot of my neighbors and are friends with quite a few of them, but I know many urban neighborhoods aren't like that and people just stay in their houses and never even say hello to the people around them. To me, that's so sad.


arvindh said...

You are spot on about the urban scene. Good illo here.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

Really excellent!

Anonymous said...

Cool illustration, Nina! I am curious to know about your new PS tricks.


Kstyles said...

Great job!