Woo-hoo! I'm actually posting 2 days in a row! I finished my illo for IF and had some time to post - so here it is. I started out thinking of a girl sitting on a couch with the same fabric in her clothing as the couch and wall, to go with the theme word - camouflage. I originally thought I would leave her faceless, as if she was blending in so much, you could barely even see her. Then, I thought about adding some text to the piece and telling more of a story. After I added the text, it didn't seem right that she didn't have a face, because she had a name!
So, the finished piece is different than my original idea, but I think it's a more finished this way, so I'm happy with it.
I won't be able to enter next weeek's challenge...going on a little holiday on Thurs. I hope I don't miss a good one!