The lovely Ann Marie has given me this blogger award! I'm so honored, especially since I really don't blog that often . Thank you, Ann Marie. And in keeping with the rules of the award, I have to list 7 things I love and then pass this along to some other bloggers. So, here goes with the 7 things:
1. I love chocolate! I know, I know, everybody loves chocolate, but seriously, in my case, living without it is not an option.
2. I love cats! I am a cat person and have always had cats as pets. I find them extremely interesting and of course, adorable! The cat we have now, Scout, is so funny, he has a daily routine that he follows as close as possible and expects us to do it too!
3. I love hanging out with my teenage daughter - she's a great kid and so much fun to be around. (most of the time, she is a teenager after all!)
4. I love to go to the movies and out to dinner with my husband. We don't get to do this too often, so when we do, I really enjoy it.
5. I love going back to my home state of Indiana every summer to spend time with my family there. It's a small town, so I enjoy doing small town things like bowling and mini golf. This summer we are having a family reunion with all my cousins, it should be really interesting...
6. I like doing crossword puzzles. I was never good at this when I was younger, but I took it up a few years ago and it gets easier, the more you do it. I like exercising my brain, if it's not toooo hard!
7. Of course, I love creating! I like making all kinds of things - painting, sketching, digital art, card making, it's all good and I'll be doing it until I can't hold a brush any longer!