Done in Illustrator - I even made the background paper!
This is an older image that I did just for fun a few months ago and I thought it was perfect for this week's theme on Illustration Friday. Alice in Wonderland is up at the top on my list of all around favorite stories due to it's rich characters and Lewis Carroll's wonderfully vivid imagination. It is an excellent story to illustrate and of course has been done so well numerous times. This is my humble attempt at illustrating one part of his great story.
I'm glad I had something to enter this week because I'm taking a 2 day workshop to learn how to use Illustrator. The 1st day was yesterday and the last day will be next Sat, so I'll be spending whatever free time I have this week practicing my new found skills. I learned so much the 1st day, but I think it will be a while before I will be able to use it to produce anything decent to post here. There is definitely a learning curve! So exciting, though! Hopefully, I will be able to share something soon, all done in Illustrator!