Yep, my daughter, Nikki, 13, has joined the braceface club and is not too happy about it, either. Here's our conversation on the way home from getting them put on.
Nikki: I hate these! I want them off now!
Me (comforting mom): I think they look cute!
Nikki: Now I have to start High School with these on!
Me (practical mom): Well, you won't be the only kid in High School with braces on.
Nikki: Well, I'm not going to be one of those kids that smiles with their mouth closed, that always looks so faky.
Me (wise mom): Yes, it is what it is and you can't hide them, so just embrace it.
Nikki: I'm going to have to go to 8th grade graduation with these on, too!
Me (no goood answer for this one mom): They'll go with your dress?