I learned a few lessons this year when it comes to Halloween and the art of pumpkin carving.
Lesson #1 - Don't carve your pumpkins too early!
Lesson #2 - Don't leave your pumpkins out in the pouring rain!
Lesson #3 - Don't pretend you are Martha Stewart and try to copy one of her ideas!
Yes, I did all three of the above and needless to say, our pumpkins are a soggy, rotten mess. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I can throw them in the yard waste bin! As far as the Martha Stewart lesson, I saw on the cover of her magazine the coolest pumpkins, using long carrots as the noses. Well, maybe that works in the photo studio, but our carrots turned limp and gross within 2 days. I replaced them and it happened again. We are now on round 3 of the carrot noses, just hoping to get through until tomorrow.
Happy Halloween!